Preeti Monga – Loss of Sight Never Means Saying No to Life


My visual disability was discovered at the age of about six, after constant complaints about my school work from teachers. I was instantly rushed to our family doctor who diagnosed my approaching blindness. I was lucky, therefore, to be among the few disabled people who had a family that did not waste time in finding ways to get me to accept my disability and make the most of the other positives I possessed. Challenges became part of my life. The first major setback came when I was thrown out of school at the end of Class VIII. In 1994, I took up a full-time job at the National Association for the Blind as a resource person and a computer teacher. From there I moved on to getting a job as a marketing and sales manager with a food marketing company. Looking back, I realize that years of struggle and repeated failures left me with a profound sense of fearlessness. Garnering the strength to hang on, no matter what the situation, was my recipe for success. 


A Man Who Was Left Bereft of All His Limbs and Still Is Able to Do Everything!

His name is Raja Mahendra Pratap. “I would stay in my room....

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