MAHAAZ, SPRAT’s campaign against acts of terror, has sponsored numerous events to raise awareness about and combat terror. MAHAAZ, a “front” to lead the way to safe and secure society, holds rallies, morchas, and publishes flyers to address any irrational action, whether it be from the government or society at large. The ultimate aim is not condemnation of single events but rather to build a society whose interactions are fully honest and whose disagreements are solved by legal means rather than violent acts.
Happy People:
Happy People aims to improve the lives of its participants through small weekly discussion meetings. Understanding that happiness is an inalienable human right and a precious obligation, cure we also recognize that the pursuit of happiness sometimes mistakenly hurts other members of our society. We believe that one must be educated and empowered in decision making so that their actions and rightful pursuit of happiness naturally benefit the whole of society.
Each Happy People meeting contains a review of the week’s news events—local, regional, world, scientific, and technological—and continues with a guided discussion about a pre-selected topic. These topics are usually posed by a meeting member ahead of time, and each participant is welcome to share their thoughts and opinions. Participants educate themselves through exposure to current events and others’ opinions and knowledge.
We hope that by encouraging discussion, attendees will also build confidence in their reasoning skills and come to make all decisions in their lives from the perspective of well-informed, rational and caring human beings. This will facilitate a confident, enjoyable existence of Happy People.
A low-key program, Happy People meets on Saturday evenings at our Home Office from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. The public is welcome. Please contact us for more information.