Suresh and Indira Soni


While we still come across people who believe in caste distinctions and untouchables, this couple has developed an entire village for them. Often those who are suffering from leprosy, mental sickness, etc. are not welcomed by the so-called “normal” people of the society. Suresh and Indira Soni empathized with their pain and started the ‘Sahyog Kushtha Yagna Trust’ in Gujarat, which is an abode to many such people who live here freely without any prejudice. Spread over 30 acres of land, Sahyog has given a new life to many less fortunate people. This couple has restored our faith in humanity, and we believe that with such amazing personalities, our country will certainly go a long way. People like Soni make us believe that compassion is the biggest treasure one can have. 


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