AZMAT, meaning glory through achievement, centres endeavour to engage the poor – especially women – in productive activities through SPRAT-assisted micro economic enterprises.
Run on the principle of cooperation and self-help, these centres often will work with participants of CARAVAN’s exposure workshops but are promoted and monitored separately from CARAVAN.
The scheme aims at equipping potential workers with adequate skills, providing basic techno-managerial inputs and starting credit to start small self-sustainable, viable units harnessing locally available raw material and exploring easily accessible markets. The units will guarantee a small daily wage even while promoting workers to entrepreneurs.
Additionally, AZMAT centres will provide supra-religious platforms on which to interact with fellow entrepreneurs, creating an alternative, secular frame of reference and identities.
To kick off this program, SPRAT has teamed up with Self-Employed Women’s Association SEWA to assist vendors, cleaners, and artisans in thei4r AZMAT entrepreneurships.