Over 11 Million Face Forced Eviction in India, 2 Lakh Evicted in 2018


In New Delhi Over two lakh people were forcefully evicted from their homes in the year 2018, a new study by the Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN) has found. The HLRN documented the demolition of 41,730 homes in 2018 that impacted the lives of 2,02,233 people. That is 554 people every day or 23 people every hour. The single biggest eviction in 2018, according to the report, took place in Mumbai in October 2018 where 3,000 families were impacted in the Tansa pipeline eviction. In Dehradun alone, more than 30,000 households could face displacement due to a Uttarakhand high court order to remove ‘illegal’ construction. Till September 2018, almost 5,000 ‘encroachments’ had been demolished and over 8,500 had been identified. 

Source: https://thewire.in/rights/over-11-million-face-forced-eviction-in-india-two-2-evicted-in-2018-alone-study 

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